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You can register your ATV, Boat and Snowmobile here at the town office.

Renewal registrations must bring either their old registration or the VIN number from the vehicle. New registrations from a private sale require a bill of sale clearly listing the VIN number, year, make and model of the vehicle. New registrations from a dealer require the vehicle information and proof of sales tax payment.

We cannot register a boat without a HIN. If your boat does not have a HIN you will need to apply for a HIN through IF&W. ​All manufactured boats that were built in 2000 and after will need to be inspected by a Game Warden or Marine Patrol officer before a number will be assigned. Manufactured boats built in 1999 or before are not required to be inspected but still must be assigned a number. Homemade boats are not required to be inspected but still must be assigned a number.